Wednesday, January 18, 2012

I get two stickers on my chart for playing with my kids.

Today I played with my kids. Like for a whole hour! I know, I’m also impressed with me!

I'm sorry but I'm just not one of those moms who sits around for hours building Lego palaces, being the mom in "house"(hello that's my whole life, why would I want that role in a fantasy game? But anyway...), and driving the cars in from the hospital to the garage on the car mat. I do on occasion, usually during the weekend, sit down and build a cool train track or start a puzzle. I'll participate in hide and seek (it's actually really fun on Shabbos afternoon with the whole family) and I will even go so far as to admit that I have more than once put on an atrocious blue gown that I personally designed while in Russia and while stylishly blind, and been queen of the land. I'm happy to play with my kids but usually, soon after I start, the phone rings or there's supper to make and I get distracted and bored and I leave.

Well, Zvi and I recently decided that perhaps we should give our middle child, our sandwich boy, a little attention. We came to this conclusion based on the extremely loud way he has been begging for it. Examples of this desperate cry for attention include running back and forth across the house without stopping for hours on end, throwing toys, throwing cheerios, throwing clothes out of drawers and throwing people. We agreed on the fact that along with a set time-out corner and a new chicken timer, he also needs quiet, calm play. And so that is how I found myself sitting on the floor in front of the closet this afternoon searching desperately for pieces to his favorite puzzle.

I tried, I really tried to just focus on the playing but I needed to find the puzzle pieces which meant I needed to sort through the closet and before I knew it, all the games and arts and crafts were out and I was sorting the whole cabinet while simultaneously playing with two children. It was quite an experience. Why I can't just sit still and play and do nothing else is something I wonder about. Maybe I should play with myself sometime. Just drop off the kids, come home, sit down on the floor and build a Lego castle. Or maybe make a town with the menchies and make up their life story. I can still remember Shani, Rivki and Dina- the Fisher-Price girls I grew up with. I kind of miss them.

I could practice for the real thing when my kids would actually be there and then I'd do so much better because I'd rehearsed. Hmmm... maybe I should invite my friends over and we can all bring our dolls and we can dress them and change their diapers. Wait, that sounds like real life! Oh yeah, because it is.
Ok so we'll be pretend princesses and have a tea party! Doesn't it sound like fun? I'm not sure. I think I'd rather be a real princess and pay someone to make me tea.

Anyway, I hope my son benefits from his Mommy playing with him because it really is quite a challenge for me for me to participate for that long. I think I'm going make myself a chart and give myself a sticker for every time I play with him. Then, when it's all filled up, I will go to the dollar store and get myself a new toy!  Or maybe my prize will be the delighted look on his face when I sit down beside him or the opportunity to use my imagination for an hour, or the chance to see my son grown and learn or maybe it will be the one hour of quiet, with no one running around throwing things. Whatever it is, I’m sure it will be worth it!

Monday, January 16, 2012

Coffee Disasters

It's Monday morning (we all know what that means) and I just came home from dropping off the kids. As I'm driving, I'm thinking about what I'm going to do when I get home. No I'm not going to sort the laundry. No I'm not going to pay the police tickets that my husband has been bugging me to pay for the last two weeks. No I'm not going to tidy. I'm just going to drink coffee. I'm going to take the forty five minutes I have until my Tanya class and use it to drink coffee and to sit and do nothing and to savor the silence.

Well, I got home and came into my kitchen to prepare my coffee. And that is when DISASTER struck. The coffee was NOT in my kitchen. It was at my friend's house. I took it there yesterday and forgot to bring it back. "Deep breaths, Chayale," I told myself, "You can do this. G-d does not give people tests that they cannot handle."

So in a very mature way, without any crying whatsoever, with my mind ruling over my heart, I thought long and hard about my options. I could go down the block to my sister-in-law's house but that would involve putting all the snow gear back on. So no to that one. I could order breakfast from Pizza Pita and it would come with coffee but it would also cost me $20 and take 45 minutes to be here. So no to that one either. I could just not have coffee and have tea instead but that idea made me teary eyed so I vetoed it quickly.

And that's when a MIRACLE happened.

Hashem helped me remember that I have a coffee maker! With really yummy ground hazelnut coffee beans in my freezer! No I don't use it very much which is why I forgot I had it but all of a sudden, my tears turned to laughs, my swords into ploughshares, and I danced around the kitchen. I made myself a big pot of hazlenut coffee and then poured it into my "queen for a day" mug that my friend came me for my birthday and I felt like a million bucks!

Have you ever made a whole pot of coffee just for yourself and then drank it from a "queen for a day" mug??? I actually feel like while I'm drinking this coffee, I'm the queen . Maybe I should drink it all day so I never have to get down from my royal status and sort laundry and clean.

I think maybe G-d made me leave the instant (ich, who could drink that?) coffee at my friend's house just so I could have this beautiful experience of having a whole pot of hazelnut coffee all for myself. Or maybe it's just the caffeine talking. I had a lot of it.